Our lovely mum

Created by Mark one year ago

It's hard to put into a few words just what a great mum to the four of us Barbara was. She was always there when we were young to encourage and support us, and as we grew older to listen to us, pick us up when relationships knocked us down (which for me they quite often did), and to offer us unconditional and unwavering love. When our own children came along mum gave them the same attention and love whenever she saw them, which was often. She was kind, loving, thoughtful, selfless and endlessly understanding - right to the end, where her lovely smile lit up every time we popped round the door of whatever hospital/rehab centre/nursing home she happened to be in to say 'Hi mum, here we are again!' 

That I won't be able to say this again is the hardest thing to bear, but my memories of her will last forever.